I have a place where dreams are born,
And time is never planned.
It's not on any chart,
You must find it with your heart.
Never Never Land.

It might be miles beyond the moon,
Or right there where you stand.
Just keep an open mind,
And then suddenly you'll find
Never Never Land.

You'll have a treasure if you stay there,
More precious far than gold.
For once you have found your way there,
You can never, never grow old.

And that's my home where dreams are born,
And time is never planned.
Just think of lovely things.
And your heart will fly on wings,
Forever in Never Never Land.

You'll have a treasure if you stay there,
More precious far than gold.
For once you have found your way there,
You can never, never grow old.

And that's my home where dreams are born,
And time is never planned.
Just think of lovely things.
And your heart will fly on wings,
Forever in Never Never Land.

"Never, Never Land"
Lyrics by  Betty Comden and Adolph Green

Let's pretend that we can change the world in any way that we could;
Just as a game, let's pretend.
Let's pretend there came a time when people would do nothing but good,
And that it never would end

Just imagine . . .

Let's pretend that everywhere injustices will cease in the world
I know it's crazy, but try.
Let's pretend that all of once one morning there was peace in the world,
And not one child had to cry.

If people don't like our dream when we're through,
We'll pretend that people do.
Then make believe that it all will come true.

Let's pretend that there is love all around;
Every child on earth grows up safe and sound.
Imagine it . . .
Let's pretend that children all stop to ask for the moon.
It's a children's game;
All the same children grow up soon.

"Let's Pretend"
Alain Boublil/Claude-Michel Schoenberg/Richard Maltby, Jr.

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January 22nd, 2005!